Online only On sale! Anti-Tampering / Anti-Burglary Tamper-proof adhesive magnetic field indicator for gas/electricity StickersLab €16.35 Magnetic field influence indicators are used to fix the effects of constant magnetic fields on measuring devices (electricity, gas, ) which canstrong>influence the correct functioning of the counting mechanism. The use of magnets to stop meters is not a surprise to anyone, even if it is completely illegal. To protect the device from the influence of a... + cart
Online only On sale! Anti-Tampering / Anti-Burglary Tamper-proof adhesive magnetic field indicator for water StickersLab €16.35 Magnetic field influence indicators are used to fix the effects of constant magnetic fields on measuring devices ( water, ) which can influence the correct functioning of the counting mechanism. The use of magnets to stop meters is not a surprise to anyone, even if it is completely illegal. To protect the device from the influence of a constant magnetic... + cart
Online only On sale! Anti-Tampering / Anti-Burglary Outdoor tamper-proof magnetic field indicator made of plastic StickersLab €20.45 Magnetic field influence indicators are used to fix the effects of constant magnetic fields on measuring devices ( water, ) which can influence the correct functioning of the counting mechanism. The use of magnets to stop meters is not a surprise to anyone, even if it is completely illegal. To protect the device from the influence of a constant... + cart